
True Ghost Stories and Paranormal Articles | True Ghost Tales

Ghost Stories, the Paranormal and the Strange

Looking for real ghost stories? Interested in the paranormal? TrueGhostTales.com is dedicated to building the largest collection of ghost stories and paranormal articles on the net and well on the way. Naturally you will also find talk of monsters and aliens and other ‘strange’ things here. We have a forum available and open comments on most stories and articles.

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What Are Shadow Creatures? ~ Who Was Lilith? ~ Paranormal Investigation Techniques and Equipment

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According to the most recent Gallup poll 32% of Americans believe that ghosts are real.

Most people know of at least one ghost story that has been told as being true within their family. Many of us even remember living near a haunted house when we were young. As children we tend to believe these ghost stories are real, but by the time we grow up we often consider ghosts to be as mythical as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the Great Pumpkin.

Humans have always been both fascinated and afraid of the unknown. Even during ancient times people experienced encounters with the paranormal and shared their stories with others.

At True Ghost Tales we delve into the supernatural with visitor submitted true ghost stories, ghost pictures, haunting articles, EVPs, poltergeists, werewolves and more paranormal topics. We have a lot of resources for ghost hunters and everyone interested in the paranormal world. The blog is updated every day with new ghost stuff. We also have an archived section of ghost stories and for those of you who like to interact with others who are into the paranormal we have a forum.

However we may explain the supernatural world, nothing prevents us from being intensely interested in real true ghost stories, haunted houses, and the realm of the supernatural.

In different stories, ghosts have been described as being benevolent, benign, or malevolent. A benevolent ghost seems to want to help or protect in some way while a malevolent spirit will seek to inflict harm. Benign ghosts are usually indifferent to, or unaware of, the living.

Types of Hauntings

Residual Haunting


The most prevalent type of haunting, by far, is referred to as a residual haunting. In this type of haunting the ghostly energy goes through a cycle of actions over and over again. It’s like a video clip that repeats itself in a loop. Oftentimes this plays out at a specific time as though it were following a schedule. Most commonly the scene played out will be that of a tragic event, such as a death. This type of haunting is more like a psychic impression of energy than an actual haunting by a presence or entity. Many true stories seem to describe this type of occurrence.

Intelligent Haunting


The second classification of haunting is known as the Classic or Intelligent Haunting. In an Intelligent Haunting the spirit, or ghost, demonstrates an intelligence and an awareness of its surroundings. These ghosts have been known to communicate with humans and to interact with their environment. In this type of haunting it is common for objects to be moved. There have been reports of ghosts making noises, such as rapping or banging on walls, slamming doors, or making footsteps. Ghosts have been known to move things around, or even to hide objects. They may even turn light switches on and off. This type of ghost will often manifest the personality of someone who has died. Smells and odors that were commonly present with the person when they were still living, such as tobacco, perfume, or flowers, often occur in these hauntings.

For more read ~ The Six Types of Haunting Activities

Paranormal Investigation Techniques & Equipment

More and more people are wanting to do their own paranormal investigating. The popularity of shows such as “Ghost Hunters” has everyone wanting to find their own proof of the paranormal. If one is seriously wanting to investigate a haunting, there are several things that are important to know… and many misconceptions that need to be clarified.

Read Paranormal Investigation Techniques & Equipment