Author: 8y9sshday8hsaydyh9sday9h
Ouija Board Stories and Experiences
Ouija Board Stories and Experiences Ouija Boards holds a fascination upon the living because of our innate desire to communicate with our friends and loved ones have passed on before us. Is a Ouija Board more than just simply a toy? Are there dangers involved with the playing of the “spirit board”? Perhaps, before you…
Sleep Paralysis The Old Hag Legends And Scientific Explanations
Sleep Paralysis ~ Scientific Explanations And The Old Hag Legends Sleep Paralysis has been known for a long time. Throughout the history of mankind there have been the reports of people awakening to feel a sense of weight on their chests and an inability to move their limbs to escape this pressure. People who experience…
The True Ghost Newsletter
True Ghost Newsletter Get updates, ghost stories, paranormal articles and more in your inbox. No-spam – just cool, spooky, paranormal and the strange. The True Ghost Tales Newsletter is now being managed by FrogPressNews. The following link will land you on the sign up page. After you sign up you will receive a confirmation request…
The True Ghost Newsletter
True Ghost Newsletter Get updates, ghost stories, paranormal articles and more in your inbox. No-spam – just cool, spooky, paranormal and the strange. The True Ghost Tales Newsletter is now being managed by FrogPressNews. The following link will land you on the sign up page. After you sign up you will receive a confirmation request…
You’re Almost Done – Activate Your Subscription
You’re Almost Done – Activate Your Subscription! You’ve just been sent an email that contains a confirmation link. In order to activate your subscription, check your email and click on the link in that email. You will not receive your subscription until you click that link to activate it. Your Newsletter will come from “True…
True Ghost Tales – Renew Your Newsletter Subscription
True Ghost Tales Newsletter Thank you for renewing your subscription to our newsletter. We have made some major changes to the way our newsletter is handled. To renew your subscription please enter your details below: Note: If you are using Firefox with Adblocker Plus addon or similar the form above may not display and you…
Native American Perspectives on Ghosts and Evil Spirits
Native American Perspectives on Ghosts and Evil Spirits The many diversified nations that occupied what is now called North America have mythologies and beliefs tracing back thousands of years. Those beliefs include respect for the afterlife, and spirits becoming part of nature. They also believed in good and evil… and spirits to represent each. However,…
Click Here NOW! Tasha, my one love. You are the flame that warms my heart. You give warmth to my heart You give light to my life Your hand is my hand Nothing matters more to me than: Your Love Your Smile Your Happiness I would fight a grizzly bear for…
I love you with all my heart and you have made my life a great place to be more and more… Think of everything that we have been through together and we are STILL together!! Yes I do ~ I love you so I love my life with you andI dream of our beautiful future…
True Ghost Tales – The Worlds Most Haunted Places
Legends of ghosts abound wherever history has made its mark. From battlefields to hospitals, prisons to inns. If these places have existed for centuries or more, and if they are where history, especially tragic history, was made, ghost stories will inevitably follow. The World’s Most Haunted Places: From the Secret Files of explores the…
Link to True Ghost Tales
Do You Like True Ghost Tales? Add A Link To Us On Your Site If you enjoy reading the ghost stories and other paranormal subjects presented on True Ghost Tales we would really appreciate it if you added a link to us on your website. If you feel that your visitors will benefit be having…
The Native American Kachina and the Extraterrestrial Connection
The Native American Kachina and the Extraterrestrial Connection The nations indigenous to the land that is now the United States gave great respect and credence to the laws of nature, as is evident from the remains of ancient pottery, crafts and drawings. What of the laws of the universe, though? What evidence is there that…
Witch Jokes
Witch Jokes Here is a collection of witch jokes for you to enjoy Q: Why don’t angry witches ride their brooms? A: They’re afraid of flying off the handle! Q: What do witches put on their hair? A: Scare spray Q: How does the witch know what time it is? A: She looks at her…
Vampire Jokes
Vampire Jokes Here is a collection of vampire jokes for you to enjoy Q: What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack? A: Count Duckula Q: What does a vampire fear most? A: Tooth decay Q: Where did the vampire open his savings account? A: At a blood bank Q: What does a baby…
Skeleton Jokes
Skeleton Jokes Here is a collection of skeleton jokes for you to enjoy Q: Who won the skeleton beauty contest? A: No body Q: What do skeletons say before they begin dining? A: Bone appetit ! Q: When does a skeleton laugh? A: When something tickles his funny bone. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance…
Monster Jokes
Monster Jokes Here is a collection of monster jokes for you to enjoy Q: What’s a monster’s favorite play? A: Romeo and Ghouliet Q: Why did the monster eat a light bulb? A: Because he was in need of a light snack Q: What kind of cereal do monsters eat? A: Ghost-Toasties Q: Why wasn’t…
Funny Jokes
Funny Jokes For You Here is a collection of funny jokes about ghosts, witches, vampires, skeletons and monsters for you to enjoy. Ghost Jokes Monster Jokes Skeleton Jokes Vampire Jokes Witch Jokes We have privileged in providing the best leather ma1 flight jacket, kids custom leather sport coat jackets. Our incredible offers for leather riding…
Ghost Jokes
Ghost Jokes Here is a collection of ghost jokes for you to enjoy Q: Where do baby ghosts go during the day? A: Dayscare centers. Q: What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? A: Bamboo. Q: What kind of mistakes do spooks make? A: Boo boos. Q: What does a ghost…
True Ghost Stories and Paranormal Articles | True Ghost Tales
Ghost Stories, the Paranormal and the Strange Looking for real ghost stories? Interested in the paranormal? is dedicated to building the largest collection of ghost stories and paranormal articles on the net and well on the way. Naturally you will also find talk of monsters and aliens and other ‘strange’ things here. We have…
True Ghost Stories and Paranormal Articles | True Ghost Tales
Ghost Stories, the Paranormal and the Strange New Addition to ~ Ask and answer questions about everything from ghosts and demons to aliens and bigfoot to religion and dreams. Questions and Answers Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever experienced some ‘thing’ strange and unexplainable? The paranormal articles and ghost stories here were…
True Ghost Tales – Real Ghost Stories, Pictures, and Haunted Houses
Stories About Ghosts Have Been a Part of Humanity Since Ancient Times According to the most recent Gallup poll 32% of Americans believe that ghosts are real. :
True Ghost Tales – Real Ghost Stories, Pictures, and Haunted Houses
Stories About Ghosts Have Been a Part of Humanity Since Ancient Times According to the most recent Gallup poll 32% of Americans believe that ghosts are real. Most people know of at least one ghost story that has been told as being true within their family. Many of us even remember living near a haunted…
Smudging with Sage | How to smudge with Sage and Origins and Practices of Smudging
Smudging with Sage – How to and Origins and Practices White Sage What is smudging? Quite simply, it is the burning of sacred herbs (usually Sage, though others such as Sweetgrass and Cedar are also used) to rid a person or an area of negative energy. It is a practice that has been around for…
How To Make Your Own EVP (Elecronic Voice Phenomenon) Recordings
How To Make Your Own EVP Recordings In the field of paranormal investigation, one of the easiest and most effective methods of research involves the making of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) recordings. The basic concept behind EVP is that the spirits of those who have passed on through the process of death can utilize the…
Horus and Jesus | Egyptian Deities and Myths Compared to the Bible
Horus and Jesus ~ Egyptian Deities and Myths Compared to the Bible There are few books that have caused as much controversy as the Holy Bible. For centuries now, it has been regarded by many to be the “one true word of God”. The writers of the Bible may have been human beings… but it…
Halloween Trick or Treat – The History and Origins
Halloween History and Origins of Trick or Treat “Trick or treat” has become the most popular activity among the many forms of Halloween celebrations in America, and it is also a rather recent development. Trick or treating has been around less than a hundred years. Having children going door-to-door to get sweet treats has developed…
Halloween – The History and Origins
The History and Origins of Halloween Every kid (and kid at heart) looks forward to October, 31st each year. Little boys magically turn into vampires and little girls into fairies, bidding for the greatest haul of sugar laden sweets and candies. However, Halloween has a much deeper, and in some ways darker history, that has…
Halloween Costumes – The History and Origins
Halloween Costumes History and Origins Of the many best loved traditions in America, the donning of costumes is at the top of the list. Many, many years ago, in times past, adults began dressing in elaborate costumes for Halloween parties, also known as Masquerade parties, long before it became an annual event for children. Dressing…
Easy To Make Fun and Spooky Halloween Treats
Easy To Make Fun and Spooky Halloween Treats Halloween is a time for ghouls and goblins and is a holiday loved by kids of all ages. It’s the perfect time to use your crafting skills to create some scary decorations and Halloween costumes. But, it’s also a great time to turn your imagination loose on…
Halloween “Trick-or-Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” Though you may or may not be quite familiar with this somewhat inconsiderate child’s ditty, simply the first words in the song indicate to you what the subject of this article is with quite immediate recognition, regardless of your personal views on the matter.…
Ghost Pictures and Images
Ghost Pictures The ghostly pictures presented on this site are here to get you thinking. Look at the pictures and make your own decisions as to whether you believe in ghosts and if it is possible to get a picture of one. I make no guarantees as to the authenticity of these ghost pictures. To…
Virginia City Nevada Motel Ghost Picture
Virginia City Nevada Motel Ghost Picture This photo has been moved to Virginia City Nevada Motel Ghost Picture
Raynham, Massachusetts Ghost Picture
Raynham, Massachusetts Ghost Picture This photo shows William Eburn and was taken by his brother-in-law in William’s room in Raynham, Massachusetts. It is believed to be the ghost of a farmer. This was reportedly a recurring ghost for a couple of years, and has been described as having been a hostile ghost. Maybe you have…
Philippine Mall Ghost Picture
Philippine Mall Ghost Picture This picture has been relocated to Philippine Mall Ghost Picture
Lyme Regis Boys Club Ghost Picture
Lyme Regis Boys Club Ghost Picture This photo was taken at the Lyme Regis Boys Club in Lyme Regis, a coastal town in West Dorset, England, in December 2005. When one of the children, a 2 year-old girl, was seen talking to herself, she was asked who she was talking with, she replied that she…
Ghost Picture from the Kennesaw House in Marietta, GA
Ghost Picture from the Kennesaw House in Marietta, GA This photo was taken by Aimee Bevel. It was taken January 12, 2008 at a place called the Kennesaw House. It is a building in Marietta, GA and dates back to the civil war. The second picture is a zoom in of the mirror. Can you…
Haunted Log Cabin in Eastern Kentucky
Haunted Log Cabin in Eastern Kentucky In the first two pictures of the cabin you can see an orb floating above the roof. The orb is positioned differently in each picture though they were taken only seconds apart. Orb appearing in a photograph of the Antiques Sign These photographs were taken less than 5 seconds…