Memorial Park, Rockport Texas EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Recording
I believe hands down that you will clearly here my name (Anna) on about 3 seconds. I had to cut the recording to the event because our recordings last hours. However I still have the full recordings and if anyone asks to hear my husband’s voice to make sure it wasn’t made up, I can do that too. On this evp my husband had done by himself in the park while my friend and I kept away from him, because he wanted to see if there would be different reactions from the spirits with different people. My husband also claims there was another voice on the recording but when I reviewed it I didn’t hear it so I’m going to send you the one that said my name from the park. Also you will need to increase the volume to hear this recording. Here is the first one,
Memorial Park, Rockport Texas:
Only one clear EVP sample was detected during this recording. A voice very close to the recorder said my wife�s name with remarkable clarity, even though I did not feel any presence at the time. This was 6 minutes 4 seconds into the recording. It sounded like my mother-in-law�s voice, though she was 80 miles away at the time. Anna believes it could have been her grandmother, who apparently spoke in a similar voice to my mother-in-law. Another possible EVP sample can be heard at 9 minutes exactly, though it could be background noise rather than actual EVP as it is extremely faint.
As we continued and were passing the unlit zone once more, I again felt �encouraged� to enter the unlit zone and I plucked up the courage to walk into the darkness to collect a sample. Immediately, the sound of the geese could be heard again and Anna and Rebecca both said not to go any further. They felt the geese were a sign that it was dangerous or unwise to proceed any further and we had already been given several warnings. Rebecca heard the sound of breathing shortly after I explained the sound of the geese to the recorder, and once I stopped and pointed the recorder to where Rebecca pointed, which did not reveal an EVP sample that I could hear, an assortment of animals gave voice as we walked the remaining distance to the car. The geese were louder than they had ever been and we all got a very uneasy feeling. It felt almost as if we were being watched or stalked by something.
EVP #1 Anna |
Whilst reviewing the recordings from Memorial Park, our dog, Brutis, began crying. At first, we thought he was just being a typical dog, but Anna said she thought something was messing with him. I took this recording based on her feelings.
27 seconds into the recording, after I asked if anyone would like to make contact, the recorder picked up two counts of Electronic Voice Phenomena. The first sample, which lasted only two seconds, said, �Testing, one two�, almost like public speakers do to test if the microphone is on. This was immediately after Brutis whined and includes a feint clicking noise during the �Testing�.
EVP #2 Testing |
The second sample, which lasted around 4 seconds was at 35 seconds into the recording. Although feint, it sounds like a voice saying what we believe to be �We are all alone here�. I asked a second time if anyone would like to make contact, though no EVP sample came from it. We have taken the precaution of blessing the house with biblical candles, just in case the second EVP sample was actually an unfriendly spirit saying, �Leave us all alone�, which was my first understanding of the playback. The words �all alone� is undisputedly audible, though.
EVP #3 We Are All Alone Here |
Again, like the recording we carried out at Paradise RV Park on January 28th, 2008, the voice is referring to more than one spirit. I did notice, however, the voice at Paradise RV Park was a lot louder and clearer than this one, which could mean the Paradise RV Park spirit is more �powerful�.
O.k the one that says testing testing, happens right before you here my dog wimper then you will here a long whisper of “yeah” right after. The testing part is very hard to pick up so it might take a few times to listen to hear it and the volume up as well.
These EVP recordings are being discussed in our forum. If you would like to read what others have to say and post your own thoughts go to New EVPs on the Site Submitted by Secluded Crow
Also see Hell’s Church Cemetery EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Recording
Learn How To Record Your Own EVPs