Demons | History and Origins of the Belief in Demons

History of the Belief in Demons

Sons of Perdition; Lords of Fire

More on Demons:

Dealing With Demons

Demons an evocative word, to be sure, and one we�re all familiar with. In our modern age, it almost seems paradoxical that the spiritually minded hears about more and more ordinary people having run-ins with these legendary entities, and yet this seems to be the case. Perhaps it�s due to our increased ability to communicate and hear news from increasingly far-flung areas of society� perhaps there are no more �demonic� encounters than there ever have been, we�re just hearing about ones we wouldn�t have in the past. Or maybe the troubled times in which we live has given rise to an increase in demonic activity.

No matter what the cause, dealing with demons is something we very well may have to do at some point in our lives. Just like so many things in life, there are good and bad ways of dealing with these experiences, and the choices we make can make the difference between a temporary inconvenience and a terrifyingly life-shattering encounter with the unknown. Read – Dealing With Demons

How To Deal With A Demon

Have the house blessed by a priest and ask him to bless all the rooms in the house with holy water. This will, for the short term, solve your problems. However this spirit will come back in about couple of months after the blessing very pissed off. Don�t be surprised if paranormal activity increases during this period.

The next cause of action you must take is to ask the church for an exorcism to take place in your house forcing the spirit out of your home. In nearly all situations this method has been a great success. But to get the church to conduct this you will need proof of the spirit so get in touch with a group of paranormal investigators or a medium and get them to document what has been happening. – Read How To Deal With A Demon

How To Get Rid Of Demons

I�m posting this because, while no one has all the answers, I�ve seen too many posts of people asking for help from terrifying situations and not really receiving a solid answer in many cases. People sometimes arrive at the forum when they�ve searched and searched for help and have not been able to find any solutions any where else.

And, while I am not claiming to have all the answers, I just know that I�ve dealt with some pretty evil things in my life and have had to get rid of them and this has worked for me. Unless you�ve lived with evil and felt scared in your own home, you can�t know how bad it can be. Read – How To Get Rid Of Demons

The Hitchhiking Demon

First let me say, that although I�ve lived with spirits, demons and supernatural occurrences all my life, I differentiate between them like this a spirit or a ghost is pretty harmless, although they may be quite aggravating and even frightening to some, they�re generally fairly calm and almost peaceful. A demon on the other hand, is pure evil and out to hurt someone.

I know there’s all kinds of terms for different types of entities, poltergeists etc, but I tend to categorize them in one of the two�either spirit or demon! I have never felt the need to know the exact technical name for any type of supernatural being I�ve dealt with. The reason I�m writing this is because the �thing� I�m about to tell you about may not have been what most people would call a demon… Read – The Hitchhiking Demon

Demon Stories and Articles

A listing of all demon related stories and articles.

The origins of the belief of demons among the ancient societies of the world have been shrouded in mystery and it is uncertain just exactly where the concept started, though a good start would be with the Persian and Assyrian empires… some of the most ancient civilizations that we are aware of today.

Nearly every culture that has been recorded in the history of mankind has had some form or variation of demonic belief. Today the most widely recognized aspects of demonology are derived from Judaic, Christian and Catholic sources. Many archaic stereotypes presented within these religions, as well as the prolific historical inaccuracies long associated with fictional print and media, persist in spite of evidence to the contrary.

Most people today imagine short horns, leathery bat-like wings, long pointy tails and menacing pitchforks to be the common accepted image of demons in general, and Satan in specific. However, this is a far cry from how demons were presented in the past.

Initially, in many of the most ancient cultures of the past, demons were seen as having the capacity for both good and evil. The origin of the word demon, in fact, may have come from Indo-European sources and simply meant ‘Celestial Body’.

There has often been confusion when regarding Devils and Demons in many Orthodox traditions. A Devil is an entity who usually fights a goodly and divine authority for control of existence. Many such battles will be settled in an ‘End of Time’ scenario where the forces of good vanquish the forces of evil.

Demons are much like Angels in that they are lesser beings who are usually under the authority of the prevailing Devil. They are always malevolent in nature, and seek to torment humans with their dark and wicked ways. The means by which they wreak havoc are threefold:

#1: In spiritual form they whisper evil thoughts into a person’s mind, trying to corrupt them to do wrong.

#2: In spiritual form they restlessly wander the earth and torment others with their mere appearance.

#3: They actually possess someone and control their actions, usually causing them to harm others, or at the very least, themselves. This is called ‘Possession’, and even today it wreaks fear in many just by even mentioning it.

Another thing that is usually representative of demons in nearly every culture; they are usually grotesque in appearance, and more than likely half animal at least.

Perhaps one of the greater influences in restoring interest in demons and their study in the mid-20th century was Anton LaVey, the author of the Satanic Bible and the founder of the Church of Satan. LaVey believed that Christianity was a repressed religion, and the true power of Satanic belief was the lack of limits imposed on the believer. LaVey believed that man ought to have the supreme choice over his life, not a God, or any god.

Damned by the gods; feared by man; demons have made their home on earth, and they’re here to stay.

Copyright © 2008 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved.

Also Read Demonology ~ A Look at Demons

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