Which Elemental Witch Type Are You?

Fire Witch
You are a force of pure passion and energy, fueled by an inner fire that burns bright. Your strength comes from your fierce determination, always pushing forward, never backing down. People are drawn to your warmth, but your temper can be as fierce as a wildfire. You are bold, courageous, and never afraid to stand alone.

Water Witch
You are deeply connected to your emotions, flowing through life with grace and adaptability. Like the tides, your mood can shift, but your strength is in your calm and reflective nature. You have a quiet power that others often underestimate, but when provoked, you can become as unstoppable as a storm.

Earth Witch
Grounded, patient, and wise, you draw your power from the ancient forces of the earth. You have an unwavering connection to nature and the cycles of life, always finding balance and harmony. People seek you for your steady, calm presence, and your wisdom runs as deep as the roots of the oldest tree.