
Famous Ghost Sightings

Ghost stories captivate our imagination, weaving tales that blend history with the supernatural. From haunted hotels to spectral battlefields, these locations are steeped in eerie legends and chilling encounters. Each site offers a glimpse into the past, where restless spirits seem to linger, creating an atmosphere thick with mystery and intrigue.

1. The White House

The White House, America’s most famous residence, is rife with reports of spectral activity. President Harry Truman wrote about ghostly phenomena in 1946, while Mary Todd Lincoln claimed to hear Thomas Jefferson’s violin and Andrew Jackson’s curses.

Abraham Lincoln remains the White House’s most documented ghost. First Lady Grace Coolidge reportedly saw Lincoln gazing out the window of his former office. Nancy Reagan’s memoirs recount odd noises and missing objects attributed to Lincoln’s presence. Even the Reagan family dog behaved strangely, barking at the Lincoln Bedroom door but refusing to enter.

Winston Churchill's encounter stands out for its vividness. As recounted in Mark Nesbitt's "Civil War Ghost Trails," Churchill, staying in the Lincoln Bedroom during the 1940s, emerged naked from a bath to find Lincoln's apparition leaning on the fireplace mantle. The two locked eyes before Lincoln disappeared, leaving Churchill thoroughly embarrassed and undoubtedly spooked.

These stories paint a picture of a residence bustling with not just historical significance but also spectral residents, constantly reminding us of the past occupants whose energies seem to linger in its grand halls.

2. Bodie, California

Bodie, a ghost town preserved in “arrested decay,” offers a haunting glimpse into California’s gold rush era. Once home to 10,000 residents, it now stands as a testament to a bygone time, complete with abandoned streets, empty shops, and forlorn homes.

Visitors to Bodie often report ghostly encounters. The sounds of piano music and laughter echo from silent saloons, while the faint jingle of spurs can sometimes be heard in the dusty streets. These eerie experiences suggest that the spirits of past residents continue to inhabit the town.

One of Bodie’s most chilling legends is the “curse” that plagues those who remove artifacts from the site. According to folklore, taking anything from Bodie dooms the thief to misfortune and bad luck. Many who’ve pilfered keepsakes have reportedly returned them to reverse their ill fortune, with letters and returned items on display at the park’s visitor center.

This blend of history and haunting makes Bodie a captivating destination. The spectral echoes of its rowdy past add a spine-tingling layer to the sense of abandonment and decay. As you walk through Bodie, it’s as if the very walls whisper stories of its tumultuous heyday, inviting you to step back in time and confront the restless spirits that still wander its weather-beaten streets.

Abandoned buildings of Bodie ghost town in California under a stormy sky

3. Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago

Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago harbors a chilling secret beneath its pleasant facade. Established in 1868 on former cemetery land, the zoo is said to be home to lingering spirits of the roughly 35,000 bodies once interred there.

Visitors and staff have reported strange occurrences for over a century. Common experiences include:

  • Sightings of ghostly figures
  • Inexplicable cold spots
  • The feeling of being watched

One famous spectral inhabitant is the “Gray Lady,” an apparition dressed in early 1900s attire, often seen roaming the grounds.

Spectral children are frequently reported, their laughter taking on an unsettling tone when paired with their translucent forms. These young spirits are believed to be the souls of orphans buried without family.

The Nature Boardwalk is particularly eerie, with reports of an inexplicable mist forming and dissipating without meteorological cause. Those who brave the boardwalk during these ghostly fogs often hear whispers and footsteps echoing in the silence.

This juxtaposition of a joyous, family-friendly atmosphere with a macabre history makes Lincoln Park Zoo uniquely compelling. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer in the paranormal, a visit might leave you wondering if the past is ever truly gone.

A foggy path in Lincoln Park Zoo at night with ghostly figures in the distance

4. Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, known as “America’s Most Haunted Hotel,” has a rich history steeped in paranormal activity. Since its opening in 1886, it has served as a luxury resort, a conservatory for young women, and infamously, a fraudulent cancer hospital.

Norman G. Baker, a charlatan posing as a doctor, transformed the hotel into the Baker Cancer Hospital in 1937. His false promises and mistreatment of desperate patients left an indelible mark on the property, creating the perfect atmosphere for restless spirits.

Visitors and staff report numerous ghostly encounters:

  • Baker’s malevolent spirit roaming the old recreation room
  • The ghost of five-year-old Breckie playing on the fourth floor
  • Michael, an Irish stonemason, haunting Room 218
  • A spectral nurse pushing a gurney in the basement

In Room 218, guests report footsteps, disembodied voices, and objects moving on their own. This room is considered the most actively haunted in the hotel1.

Despite its spine-tingling reputation, the Crescent Hotel remains a popular destination for tourists and paranormal investigators. Its historical tours spotlight the spectral residents, drawing visitors eager to glimpse the spirits that purportedly roam its corridors.

Whether you’re interested in the historical intrigue or seeking a scare, the Crescent Hotel offers an unforgettable experience. Here, the past is never far behind, and the echoes of those who have walked its hallsโ€”both seen and unseenโ€”continue to tell their stories.

The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs at twilight with a ghostly figure in a window

5. Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Battlefield, site of one of the Civil War’s fiercest battles, is a hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts. The three-day battle in July 1863 claimed an estimated 50,000 lives, many of whom never received proper burials.

As dusk falls, the battlefield takes on an eerie atmosphere. Visitors report encountering ghostly soldiers in uniform, often mistaking them for reenactors until they vanish into thin air. The infamous “Ghost Brigade” is said to march in formation near Devil’s Den and Little Round Top, areas of significant conflict during the battle.

Haunted Hotspots in Gettysburg:

  • The Jennie Wade House: Known for ghostly footsteps
  • Sachs Bridge: Spectral figures and strange mists frequently captured in photographs
  • Gettysburg Museum of History: Objects moving on their own and disembodied voices
  • Soldiers’ National Cemetery: Overwhelming sense of sorrow and reverence

Park staff and visitors regularly report unexplained phenomena like cold drafts, whispers, and phantom cannon fire. The spirits of Gettysburg seem to seek closure for lives cut short, inviting visitors to witness the enduring legacy of this pivotal battle.

Misty Gettysburg Battlefield at dawn with translucent figures of Civil War soldiers

6. The Queen Mary, Long Beach, California

The Queen Mary, a former ocean liner now permanently docked in Long Beach, California, is renowned for its paranormal activity. Once a luxurious vessel for celebrities and later a World War II troop transport, it now serves as a hotel and tourist attraction with a ghostly reputation.

Notable Spirits of the Queen Mary:

  • The “Lady in White”: Often seen gliding through corridors and the ballroom in an elegant evening gown
  • John Henry: A crewman who died in the boiler room, associated with temperature drops and clanging noises
  • “Half-Hatch Harry”: A seaman crushed by a hatch door, said to haunt Shaft Alley
  • The Little Girl: Seen with a teddy bear near the First-Class Pool Room
  • Captain Treasure Jones: Reportedly seen on the bridge, accompanied by the scent of cigar smoke

The First-Class Pool Room, though long drained, is a hub of paranormal activity with reports of wet footprints, splashing sounds, and ghostly apparitions. The Queen’s Salon is said to host spectral dancers and phantom piano music.

"Whether lounging in a restored stateroom or exploring below deck, the ship's haunted tales add an extra layer of intrigue to the experience."

The Queen Mary offers twilight tours and overnight paranormal investigations for those brave enough to seek out these ghostly encounters.

The Queen Mary ship docked in Long Beach at night with a ghostly figure on deck

7. Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, with its imposing Gothic architecture, is a chilling reminder of criminal justice reform gone wrong. Opened in 1829, it was designed to instill fear and penitence through its pioneering but brutal solitary confinement system.1

The prison’s decaying cell blocks and echoing hallways are rife with paranormal activity. Visitors often glimpse shadowy figures darting between cells and hear unexplained footsteps. Cell Block 12 is infamous for its disembodied laughter, known as the “Voices of Death,” while Cell Block 15 (Death Row) evokes a sense of dread in many visitors.

Paranormal Hotspots:

  • Al Capone’s former cell: Haunted by eerie whispers and flashes of light
  • Infirmary wing: Particularly active area for unexplained phenomena
  • “Mad Chair” and “Water Bath” locations: Sites of notorious punishment practices

Paranormal investigators frequently record unexplained phenomena throughout the prison. Eastern State Penitentiary also hosts “Terror Behind the Walls,” a popular Halloween attraction that blends theatrical scares with the prison’s authentic paranormal reputation.

Whether exploring by day with an audio tour or seeking thrills during Halloween, Eastern State Penitentiary offers a journey into America’s darker history. It serves as a reminder that some doors, once opened, are not easily closed โ€“ and that the echoes of its tormented past continue to resonate in the present.

A dimly lit cell block in Eastern State Penitentiary with a shadowy figure

8. Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast, Fall River, Massachusetts

The Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast in Fall River, Massachusetts, stands as a chilling reminder of one of America’s most notorious unsolved crimes. In 1892, Lizzie Borden was accused of murdering her father and stepmother with a hatchet. Though acquitted, the case’s notoriety turned the house into a macabre tourist attraction.

Today, the home operates as a bed-and-breakfast, allowing guests to immerse themselves in its eerie atmosphere. The carefully preserved interiors capture the Victorian era’s essence while highlighting the dark story that unfolded within its walls.

Reported Paranormal Activity:

  • Unexplained cold spots
  • Phantom footsteps
  • The sensation of being watched
  • Full-bodied apparitions

The ghost of Abby Borden, Lizzie’s stepmother, is said to haunt the guest room where she died. Visitors have reported seeing her specter at the foot of the bed. Andrew Borden’s presence is felt in the sitting room, often accompanied by the scent of pipe tobacco.

A disturbing phenomenon involves the sound of a child’s laughter echoing through the hallways. Some speculate this could be tied to the family’s complex dynamics or unsolved aspects of the household’s history.

The Borden House offers historic and paranormal tours, adding depth to the overnight experience. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, a stay here will leave you pondering the ethereal echoes that permeate this infamous home.

The Lizzie Borden House in Fall River at night with a ghostly figure in a window

9. The Myrtles Plantation, St. Francisville, Louisiana

The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana, is often called one of America’s most haunted homes. Built in 1796, this antebellum estate is said to host numerous restless spirits.

"The Myrtles Plantation is not just a house; it's a portal to the past where the living and the dead coexist."

The most famous apparition is Chloe, a young enslaved woman in a green turban. Legend says she poisoned her master’s family and was subsequently hanged. Her spectral figure is often spotted wandering the grounds.

Other Ghostly Inhabitants:

  • The spirits of children, whose laughter and footsteps are heard on the grand staircase
  • William Winter, a former owner who died on the front porch and is seen climbing the stairs
  • Sara Woodruff and her children, whose souls are supposedly trapped in a mirror

The French Room is a hotspot for paranormal activity. Guests report shadowy figures, inexplicable chills, and the sensation of sharing a bed with an unseen presence.

The Myrtles Plantation offers ghost tours highlighting its most active paranormal sites. Overnight stays in the guest rooms provide an immersive experience for those brave enough to confront the unknown.

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, the Myrtles Plantation offers a compelling blend of history and mystery, where the boundary between past and present seems beautifully, horrifyingly thin.

The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville at twilight with a ghostly figure on the porch

10. Hotel Monte Vista, Flagstaff, Arizona

Built in 1926, the Hotel Monte Vista in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, is known for its vibrant past and spectral residents. The hotel’s ghostly reputation attracts both curious travelers and paranormal enthusiasts.

Notable Hauntings:

LocationParanormal Activity
BasementPhantom infant’s cries
Room 210Poltergeist activity (once occupied by a meat-hanging boarder)
Third FloorSpectral bellboy knocking on doors and calling out room service
Room 305Two female ghosts, one who allegedly committed suicide
Cocktail LoungeDancing shadows accompanied by ghostly music

Even Hollywood legend John Wayne reported a supernatural encounter during his stay, lending credence to the hotel’s eerie reputation.1

The Hotel Monte Vista offers ghost tours exploring its haunted history and rooms where spectral encounters have been reported. Whether you’re skeptical or a believer, a stay here promises an experience that blends old-world hospitality with paranormal intrigue.

11. Raynham Hall, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Raynham Hall in Norfolk is more than just a majestic English country home; it’s a hotbed of spectral intrigue. The manor is famous for its ghostly residentโ€”the “Brown Lady,” believed to be the spirit of Lady Dorothy Walpole.

Lady Dorothy’s life was marred by a forbidden affair, which legend says led to her being locked in her room until her death in 1726. Her sorrow seems to have bound her spirit to the manor, where she continues to intrigue and unsettle visitors.

The most compelling evidence of the Brown Lady’s existence is the 1936 photograph published in Country Life, which allegedly captures her ghost descending the grand staircase. This image remains one of the most famous pieces of paranormal evidence to date.

Common Sightings:

  • Lady Dorothy’s ghost, cloaked in an antiquated brown dress
  • A cold chill accompanying her presence
  • A sense of melancholy in her wake

On Open Days, guests can explore both the historical and supernatural dimensions of Raynham Hall. Walking through the grand chambers, one can almost hear the whispers of Lady Dorothy’s tragic past.

Whether you’re drawn by the rich history or the ghostly legends, Raynham Hall offers an ethereal journey that bridges the tangible past with the elusive present. Who knows? You might leave with your own story of a spectral encounter with the legendary Brown Lady.

The grand staircase of Raynham Hall with a ghostly figure of the Brown Lady

12. The Tower of London, United Kingdom

The Tower of London, standing sentinel by the Thames since the 11th century, is steeped in history, betrayal, and death. This imposing fortress has witnessed the rise and fall of royalty and conspirators, many meeting their end within its walls. Such a backdrop almost guarantees an abundance of ghostly activity.

Notable Spectral Residents:

  1. Anne Boleyn: The ill-fated second wife of King Henry VIII, beheaded in 1536. Visitors and staff have described seeing a headless figure clutching her severed head.
  2. The Princes in the Tower: Edward V and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York, who vanished without a trace in 1483. Their innocent forms are often seen huddled together in the White Tower.
  3. Lady Jane Grey: The Nine Days’ Queen, executed at just sixteen. Her spirit is often glimpsed on the anniversary of her death, walking the battlements and Tower Green with solemn dignity.
  4. Sir Walter Raleigh: His forlorn ghost is said to wander between the Tower’s rooms in the Bloody Tower.

Night watchmen have recounted encounters with Phantom Beefeatersโ€”ghostly Yeoman Warders still taking their nightly duties seriously. These apparitions, typically seen in traditional Tudor attire, have startled many late-night Tower wanderers.

"In 1815, a sentry reportedly saw the spectral figure of a bear lunge at him, a sight so terrifying the guard died of shock."

Walking through the Tower of London is like treading through layers of England’s turbulent history. Each spectral encounter serves as a timeless memo from the past, offering a glimpse into the untamed spirits unable to part with the mortal world.

The Tower of London at night with ghostly figures of historical figures

These haunted places serve as poignant reminders that history often leaves behind more than just physical remnants. The ghostly inhabitants of these sites continue to captivate and unsettle visitors, ensuring their stories are never forgotten. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, the allure of these spectral tales invites you to ponder the thin veil between the past and present.