Toys in the Attic

Posted on August 8, 2009

It was three years ago when school had just finished, and summer break began. I was 15 and didn’t really believe in paranormal activity like ghosts. During the year, I became friends with another fellow 15 year old named David in our high school guitar class. He always talked about ghosts when he had the chance, but I still always thought of it as fiction.

During the first week of the break, David called me because he had just got a new big screen TV, and wanted me to stay overnight and have a horror movie marathon, seeing as his parents were in Seattle for their anniversary. When I arrived, David was trying to find a solution to a problem. He couldn’t connect his because there was no room to set up a cable outlet. But then a light bulb clicked, and he thought of having it in the attic.

He had never been in there before, but always heard movement. He had lost a lot of interest in the supernatural and thought it was just rats.David had never been into his attic before, so this was kind of like an adventure. We pulled down the stairs to it, and walked up.

It was very dark, and filled with all sorts of unused stuff. The only light came from a hanging light that David turned on. It didn’t give much life, but just enough. We went to the corner that was closest to the room holding his TV only to find it filled with toys. David had moved in a few years back, so we assumed it must have been from the previous owners. There was a small red tricycle, a ragged, one-eyed doll, books and a few blocks with letters on them. Only thinking about the cable outlet, we took the stuff and dumped them in the trash outside.

When we got back inside, David pulled out his dads tool kit and we ventured back up into the attic. As we got closer to the corner, we heard the scurrying of tiny footsteps, as if it were a child running around behind us. We swung around to look, but nothing was there. Insisting it was a rat, David kept installing the outlet until it was finished, and all wires were connected.

We started making our way down the steps when we heard the tiny footsteps again. Thinking it was yet another rat, we kept going until we reached the second last step and heard a noise, which sounded nothing like footsteps. We stopped to listen again. Was what we were hearing crying? The crying continued, and we sprinted back up the stairs to find where the source of the crying was. Looking around, we found that the crying had stopped. I suggested that the crying might have been coming from one of the kids playing outside. David agreed, although I could tell that his mind had wandered back to ghosts. It had been months since he thought of them.

We left the attic and decided that we should take our minds off of it and watch TV. Our thoughts of the attic leaving us, we watched TV for a few hours. Halfway through one of our favourite shows, we heard a loud crash down the hall and the TV went black. Flipping through the channels, there was nothing but a dark screen. Immediately, thoughts of the crying child seeped into our minds, and we made our way to the bedroom down the hall.

Our first thought was to go into the attic, but the loud crashing noise came from the bedroom that resided under half of it. We decided to investigate, and start with the bedroom. We pushed open the door to see the four poster bed completely flipped over with the sheets still perfectly tucked in, and the posts crumpled into tiny rods.. We tried to lift it and found that it was way too heavy for two people to lift, let alone slam it down with enough force to damage the metal posts. The thing puzzling us was that the only way toward there was past the TV room, and we would’ve seen anyone who walked by.

Becoming a bit fearful of what was in the house, we pulled the stairs down by the long pull cord, walked up and emerged into the dusty attic to find that it had gotten much, much colder. Although afraid, we cared more about the TV then anything so we cautiously made our way to the outlet. When we got closer, we were shocked to see that the wires were cut. Not chewed off, but cut perfectly as if by wire cutters.

As I stood staring at the wires in disbelief, I could feel David tapping my shoulder violently. In a shaking voice I heard him say my name. As I turned my head, my heart skipped a beat. There was the tricycle with the doll sitting on it, and blocks stacked beside it. The same toys we threw out. As I looked in further, I noticed that the blocks stacked spelled out L-I-L-Y.

Staring in horror, our only thought was to get the hell out of there. Another loud crash from below increased our desire to leave. Something was seriously not right. As we put the stairs back up into the roof and made our way to his couches, I heard David swear so loud, I jumped. He ran towards his TV and fell to his knees. There was the doll standing in front of the TV, with the tricycle smashed right into the screen. The one thing that made this truly terrifying that the smashed TV was still in static.

Just then, the sound of running is heard behind us, and we turn in time to catch a glimpse of something small and dark, like a shadow, disappear around the corner. Having enough, we dashed to the bathroom and locked the door. Trying to figure out what’s going on, we begin to go over what just happened when a faint knocking is at the door. Our hearts stopped, while the knocking came again, and a giggling was heard. The giggling made my hair stand on end, because it wasn’t a playful giggling. It was like a laugh when your worst enemy sees you trip and fall.

As we sank back towards the wall, we heard the laughter and footsteps slowly fade away. We waited for a good hour before peering out the door. We gathered up our courage, and decided that it would be best to just leave, and the sooner we got out, the better. We tip-toed around the house until the door was in view, and then broke into a jog. We were almost there until we saw something that stopped us dead in our tracks. The wheel of the tricycle was lying right in front of the door. As we turned around, we saw the worn out blue blocks sitting there, stacked spelling out the word S-T-A-Y. Awestruck, we stood in silence as the pidder padder of tiny feet grew closer and closer.

We had never heard or experienced anything ever like this. It was probably the worst thing that has ever happened to us. As we just stood, staring, glued to the floor, David had an idea. He wanted to take the toys back to where they were originally. He had heard of people disturbing things that belonged to people that have passed away. Their spirits were angered by the disturbance. As we gathered the toys and made our way to the attic, we heard the sound of the small feet trailing us up. As we placed the toys back, the anxiety seemed to lift and we went back downstairs to find that the TV was good as new.

When David’s parents got home, we explained the whole ordeal to them. Though very skeptical, they decided to come in contact with the old owners to find out if they knew a Lily. They were surprised to find that the old owners, The Walden’s, had a daughter Lily who had died in a fire when she was 6. It happened in the attic, which was where she slept and played. Although nothing as wild has happened, the occasional sound of soft feet can be heard from the attic.

This story was told by Reid Mathews, but David Ferguson helped recollect details from the incident.

Written by David Ferguson & Reid Mathews, Copyright 2009

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59 Responses to “Toys in the Attic”
  1. Angel Z. says:

    wow this is is creepy

  2. mama's chick says:

    That was quite a story indeed!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Mama’s chick

  3. CuteSagittarius says:

    I feel kinda bad for the little girl…very frightening but very touching story!

  4. Jimmie says:

    great story.. i would be totally freaked out if i was in your shoes… what kind of puzzles me is that, is it possible for damage things to be back to its unaltered state? it seems as though the spirit is able to give you guys some sort of hallucination into see the smashed tv, tricycle etc?

    i’m glad that everything worked out for the best.. so 3 yrs later.. is your friend still experiencing these weird phenomenon?

  5. kym says:

    omg that is like th scariest story i have ever heard. You should like publish it in a book or something. I totally was freaked out by that.

  6. Delano says:

    great story

  7. MaskedMadness says:

    nice story, feel really bad for the lil girl tho…

  8. eyepriestess says:

    That story is one of the best i have read for a while.

    Sounds like poltergeist activity to me, you never know if it is a child spirit or something trying to make you believe it is. If it is the child spirit could you pray for her to pass on, she may not be aware that she’s died.

    Thanks, that was great!

    • Anonymous says:

      poltergise just means noisy spirit so it does sond like a poltergise to me, however, it does sound more like it would be an inteligent haunting, as poltergises are more just manifestations of energy.

  9. trolldoll1681 says:

    that was a really freaky story i would have been so out of there when i heard the footsteps!!! thanks for a great story

  10. ivy janella (philippines) says:

    omg.. as i read your story.. i was really really scared!! and i almost stop reading it because it was sooo scary! >_<

  11. chloe says: says:

    that story is omg so terrifying i almost started shaking to death that is really brave of u 2 share that story with the world thanks 4 a boss story i would of screamed until i dropped dead

  12. Lindsay says:

    Wow! That sounds really scary. I hate attics they are freakin’ scary, and this story was so scary I might never sleep upstairs again!

  13. joshua says:

    wow that was freakin scary. While i was reading the story i was shaking. I’m starting to noticed that i never ever should go to an attic EVER!!!!!!! thanks for the story.

  14. Hayley C. says:

    freaky story. that ghost/spirit/poltergeist really had alot of energy to move objects and make them smash things then unsmash them. great story. very interesting. would make an awesome movie. thanx. check out my story and comment. its called scary expeiriences

  15. NIHARICA says:


    I really liked ur story very. It was gr8

  16. Megan says:

    I really liked your story.
    sounds like it was a really scary experience.
    Its the best one i’ve read in awhilee.

  17. the1whocri3s says:

    intense story. thanks for sharing!

  18. Jennifer says:

    That was a very good story and scary thank you for taking the time to share it with us

  19. Bobbert says:

    I was creepy, but not as scary as everyone else made it seem.

  20. Lani says:

    I’ve always been creeped out by dolls (porcelin dolls especially) *shiver*

    You both re counted it well, thanks

  21. Jay says:

    Great Story Guys This Was A Really Creepy Story Thanks For Taking The Time To Share It

  22. Tammy says:

    i really enjoyed this story. very interesting. thanks so much for sharing it. it give you something to think about. that makes it enjoyable.

  23. Blanca says:

    dude dat creepy and wat freKED ME waz the T,V was back to normal

  24. diana96 says:

    I feel quite scared when i first read this story,but it put me to tears as soon as i read about Lily.She was just a little girl…

  25. Cathy S says:

    I have always been freaked out by attics and this just sealed it. Good story guys, its good that you gave Lily back her toys.

  26. Rach says:

    Wow that a great story! Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  27. Pat says:

    That was scary. Also my dad ran into my room, just as I was reading the doll on a tricycle part. Nearly had heart failure.

  28. Sarah says:

    Dude this was..probably the best scary story I’ve ever read…
    It kept me interested the entire time, and just an amazing read. I would’nt have been able to stay in that house, so congrats on being brave xD

  29. investigater86 says:

    this is just to far fetched……………maybe you gotta talent for writing fictional ghost storys though!

    • hyrdo says:

      I just kept thinking while reading the story, that it does have a lot of wording that 18 year olds don’t normally use. Where are you guys from??

  30. jHean says:

    ..thE 2 guys is so brave!!if i were
    there.,i think.,i died!!hehe..
    this story is beautiful!!i really
    love it..
    when i start reading it.,
    my heart beats
    very fast!!..
    this is the best scary story..
    THE BEST!!

  31. raven says:

    you are such a nitwit throwing out the stuff before even checking with the original owners . that was not a smart move at all. little girls don’t like having their toys thrown away at all. at the very least you were not hurt or injured. just be glad that the little girl was not evil.

  32. A none Believer says:

    a really good story, i have found old family photos in the atic of my house and now i am scared to move them

  33. TruthThruScience says:

    Nice story – very entertaining! That reminds me of an investigation we were on a while back…

  34. KaReN says:

    okay that story was really scary . its good that nobody got hurt if i were u i would totally have fainted

  35. Alexander says:

    This seems to be the work of fiction to me , Sorry ^^

    • Mai says:

      I agree, and find it so hard to believe that almost every reply is so positive and gullible. Well, we the nonbelievers shall be lynched soon by the angry and confiding mob anyway. :’3

      This sounds just like another fine script for a movie, and I must admit I enjoy watching good horror movies. But as for something that could have happened in real life, I give it no credibility. Thanks for sharing a good story though.

  36. John says:

    I agree Alexander. Little far fetched

  37. Mal143 says:

    sounds a little embellished, but it was a great read, scared me!

  38. NimNod the She Goat.... says:

    good story, not true tho, but you guys have a future in writing no doubt!

  39. Dave says:

    Do you smell that? I smell fiction!

  40. lizard says:

    oooooh that gave me goosebumps. though the end was a bit cliche

  41. Josh says:

    I was starting to get worried that everyone believed this story until I saw the last few entries. Although the story is good, it is rather unbelievable. All of that stuff happens and they choose to go back to the attic on a whim rather then run for there lives…..perhaps outside the house.

  42. Jamie says:

    Well ghosts arent supposed to be able to harm you, right?

  43. trolldoll1681 says:

    we can physically feel ghosts. i have heard of different degrees of feeling them. me i just have a intense feeling of looking in a different direction. thats when i see them..but then you have read whats on this great site. you be the judge.

  44. lizard says:

    no they can harm you. they can make your life miserable

  45. Karen M. says:

    That is true, I myself can ” feel” if there is a presence, always have been able to, but no ghost don’t or can’t hurt you! What can is an evil entity or a poltergiest!

  46. megan says:

    this has to be on of the best stories ive read here in this website.
    i loved it and im happy to see that you guys put the little girls toys back.
    Great Story.

  47. AnNa says:

    that was a good story.i cant believe you wanted to throw out her toys.i knew while i was reading it that all she wasnted was her toys.that was cool that you guys investgated what was going on.that is sad about what happened to the girl.she probably doesnt know shes dead.thanks for the story.

  48. Brad says:

    she was probably still playing when the fire happened! =(

  49. AnNa says:

    when my uncle died,couple days later my gradmam heard something in the attic,she went and saw one sons toy on,a toy police car that had to have battiers and she picked it up and wanted to turn it off and found out there were no battiers.i think he just wanted to let her know he was there and always will be with her.other stuff happened to her but since i read this story i thought of my uncle.

  50. Taylorr says:

    So, this story made me have to listen to Ke$ha, as to not feel completely scared to death in my home. Thankss. I actually loved it!

  51. Anonymous says:

    nice guys are really brave!

  52. Suzi says:

    Wow that must have been really freaky to see. And im glad everything is perfectly fine now. And I feel bad for the owners and how they lost their daughter in a fire….it is just sad to die young but stuff happens. Be careful!

  53. mitchell says:

    wow that has gotta be the scariest story i have ever herd on this site and in my life. i reckon if you tried to run out the door it wouldov been locked untill u put the toys back…glad none of yous got hurt by the presence

  54. FaerchFan says:

    Whoa, my heart was racing during this story. I did feel like I was reading horror book tho. But I believe it because you never know how ghosts can be.

  55. hilton says:

    nice story it gave me the shervverss
    i think the little girl needs help so lets pray for her

  56. love says:

    sounds to me like those two just at down, got bored and decided to write a FANTASY story from watching doll-horror movies.

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